Regenerative Essays for Landscape Restoration (Counter-Scarecrow) Attire for Inter-species Mediation with Alimentary Functions. Video still from the Collaboration Recruitment Announcement.
For the end of the concept of nature multispecies sculpture device
There is no sculpture in the room installation, heating sculptures
Object TA 20/38 butterfly puddling station, installation, interspecies art project
Montanha project for the "Arts for Earth and People" symposium
The amateur ornithologist Project type
Concevoir pour la fin des temps. (Sculpture pour une stalagmite I, II, III) Project type
Studies for the tropical botanical garden Project type
Visual compositions for the city Project type
For the Zêzere river Project type
Mirrors, fragments, Moon (II) Project type
Tribute to Heraclitus - The shadow of a river in countercurrent Project type
Divided sculpture. (Propagation of nocturnal light into the infinite). Project type
Grunewald. Project type
The beings who think about death Project type
If Autumn is not dry, water will be heard in the valley Project type
Tribute to Ilya Prigogine Project type
Thoughts translated into signals and sent to ether Project type
Invention of a writing; inscription of memories onto sinkable buoys Project type
The great fossil Project type
Message to infinity Project type
Tribute to Ilya Prigogine. Project type
Sound piece for the water Project type
Dalhala Project type
Siljan Project type
Dead birds turned to stone. Project type
Objet mainteneur de mouvements. Project type
objet à retourner Project type
Fossilization of a spectrum Project type
Nuno Vicente Newsletter